

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2012 by bloggerminds Tagged: , ,

The human mind is like a stream of flowing water it is constantly moving and changing, you may pause and think of a certain thing but your mind will never let you dwell on the same thing for more than a moment. You may be thinking of something related about it but you will certainly not be thinking the exact same thought for more than a moment.


Time is continuous you can’t stop time or alter past, or even what will happen in the future to a certain extent. In Einstein’s concept of special relativity I have learnt that if you travel near the speed of light you will experience less time in comparison to someone who is at a standstill. But really that is not stopping time or slowing time in anyway, the time to you is still the same. If you were travelling at the speed of light and you experience a 30-minute conversation with someone who is travelling at the same speed you would still experience the full 30 minutes. There is no changing that time is on going and that you wouldn’t be able to stop time. So we know that there’s no way of altering or pausing time in anyway why do we still fantasize about the fact of being able to?


Our minds may know the absolute truth and the reasoning behind the facts but we still think about it and believe in it. Being able to alter or stop time is something so powerful in so many ways to every different person. For some it may just be the selfish side of human behavior where they want to be immortal, for some it may be a huge business opportunity seeking greed and power, and for some it may be a way to spend eternity with their loved ones. But really I would say the greatest thing about stopping time would be the fact that you would be able to escape reality, to make what is impossible possible. The thought of being able to escape reality is what drives us to fantasize about stopping time or any other impossible scenarios. Being able to escape reality is what many people dream off, the lack of need to face anything upsetting or negative in anyway, not having the need to have any sort of responsibility.


The irony in life is that when you were younger you would always want to grow up faster and do all the things adults can do, but yet when you reach adulthood you realize you want to turn back into a kid. As a kid you never have to see the negative light of growing up or being old, as an 18 year old I just stepped into adulthood and realize life was not that easy or fun in any way. Yes, you could go out clubbing, partying, drinking, have a drivers license, own a credit card but really this is all the things that exists in the positive light. One thing that I realize what made being an adult horrible is the fact that you are legally obligated to go to jail if you broke the law, I’m not saying that I would even when I was younger it is just the fact of the chance if you did do something wrong you have no room for error. As a kid no one would think about having to go to jail. It is just a social norm where 18 is the age which you should take up the responsibility of not breaking the law. When you were a kid they don’t tell you every decision you make could be life altering. I may be only speaking about my own life, but really I think it’s the same thought of nearly every teenager out there about to go off to university. I do realize not every teenager out there is going to have a chance to go to university, or even in some cases high school, or even just studying at all. Every teenager going off to uni is going to be killing their heads about which university to go to and what course, this is the first decision you will make that will change the rest of your life. This choice is truly your own and no one is going to be able to change your mind, but do you study a course that can find you a job or a course that you are actually interested in? I believe many teenagers are going to be stuck thinking about this question for a long time. Think back to when you were a kid, you always had a dream job(s) but as you grow older you may realize that the occupation you dreamt of is not that great anymore, or it’s a job that you don’t not feel its realistic enough. You then change your dream job to a more realistic target, maybe an area of occupations you would like to be in, a type of lawyer, something to do with media, an artist, a job related to politics, a game designer. Now you are picking a university course, do you go with your target job? Or do you go with something that will get you a job after you finish university? This is when reality hits you hard and you realize that it is something you have to think about, I know many of my friends end up picking the easy path of just doing something mainstream like law, business, economics, engineering but that’s not what they truly want to do, it is just so they get a job with steady income. I admire those who are able to pursue their dreams and actually do what they truly want. Having the courage to take on something with a rough road ahead is not something easy to do. Being doubtless is not something many can do, believing in yourself to a state where nothing will stand in your way is something admirable.


Many will say those who pursue their dreams are silly and stubborn, not realizing reality and the hardships that lay ahead when you could take the easy path out and live an average life. But is it really the wrong decision to pursue something you want even though it is difficult? It’s never really a wrong decision if you truly believe or believed in it. Pursuing something impossible is what many dream of doing but afraid to do so when the facts are reviewed. Reality is what makes it hard for anyone to want to accomplish something, when faced with a challenge that’s difficult they will tend to avoid the challenge completely or just give up. Not many people will have the determination of failing and retrying over and over again, we are not born to be able to accept failure easily, we would much rather give in and not try than fail. Understanding reality may be the biggest obstacle for every human being, but it is also what keeps us sane but also what keeps us from achieving our dreams. If you were able to ignore reality you would be a completely different person, there would not be anything stopping you from doing what you want. It would be practically utopia to be able to ignore reality completely.


The fear of reality strikes into many not just teenagers, the older you get the more responsibilities you pick up. If you have a child you will need to pay for school, food, clothing. If you have a house you will need to pay for the rent. If you have a job you will need to be responsible for the work load within the company. As you grow older there will be less time or opportunity to take risks, when there are you may think of the responsibilities you have and make a safer decision even at the cost of a huge win from taking a risk. So has being completely sensible really turned us insane? You will end up being lost and life will lose it’s meaning. Your life will end up as a routine, meaningless and dull.



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